Greetings! You might know me for my more
highly publicized activities in the fields of music
and computers,
but over the years I've also maintained a passion
for bicycling. I finally decided to give equal representation
to my interests, so here you go: arlobike.com.
I don't anticipate a lot of traffic to
this site, but it's not a total waste of server space,
either. First, I hope to give you all a better sense
of what this sport is all about (FAQ,
Links). And second, I plan
to document, for my own enjoyment, some of the great
times I've had riding my bike (Timeline,
Ride Diary). If you're a
cyclist yourself, you'll know what I'm talking about;
if not, I hope you learn something interesting!
Latest news - 31 May 2010
One of the benefits of moving to Portland is that I'm within easy traveling distance of the
Tour of California. Despite a busy work schedule, I flew to LA to watch the last two stages. I've posted my
photos from the trip. |